How To Write A Marketing Plan In 2020

A good and effective marketing plan will allow you to address key issues regarding your business and it serves as a reference document that will guide you in executing your marketing strategy. Writing a marketing plan allows you to develop an organized approach in creating products and services that will satisfy your clients’ needs. However, your marketing plan template must be able to clearly state your marketing objectives and strategies on how you are going to achieve it. For beginners, using a marketing plan sample will give you general idea on how to set realistic and quantifiable objectives with comprehensive action plans, budget allocation and identify key persons as to who’s going to do what.

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Market Overview

Today, effective marketing works by fostering key marketing strategies to facilitate sale for a particular products or services. What you need to understand more is how to make your business successful in today’s current marketing environment where everything is changing faster than we can ever able to cope. To understand your approach in marketing, you need to have a market overview based on your own research you have compiled prior to this. Some information you need may be present in your business plan, but if there is none, among the pertinent data you need to compile may include the following:

  • PESTTG Analysis - The PESTTG analysis is made up of Political, Economic, Societal, Technological, Mega Trends and Globalization Driving Forces. These are the dynamic forces involved in creating or destroying opportunities. All these factors are interconnected and even a minor change in one Driving Force will have significant effect on all the others.
  • Industry Value Chain - A value chain analysis will describe the full range of activities required to create a product or service.
  • Size and Growth of Market – In your market overview, you need to include the market growth trend. This will enable you to uncover critical analyses such as penetration or segmentation analysis and the current determination of market attractiveness.
  • Key Competitors - The key competitors of your business are those who take your clients or target market, even if these companies are not selling the same exact service or product like you do.

Marketing Objectives

When creating a marketing plan outline, it is important to set clear marketing objectives. Imagine your business ten years from now. Where do you want your positioning strategies to bring you? How big do you want your business to become?

When planning your business strategy, you need to give a serious thought about your business’ marketing objectives. This will allow you to keep yourself motivated in achieving your goal even if the process will have you take small steps at a time. With every small step you take, you know you are heading towards realizing your goals. If you are on a long term marketing goal, you need to break it down into small categories. This will allow you to have a clear view of the things that needs to be done and know your priorities.

Ground your objectives on reality and avoid getting carried away with your desires. Your marketing objectives must be based on things that are actually within your control. If you are determined in implementing your chosen marketing strategy, it will not take long for you to enjoy the fruits of your efforts.


Creating and establishing marketing strategies is an essential part of any business plan that the company usually prepares on a yearly basis. These are the planned actions that the business plans to take to gain customers and build its own market share. Every tactical plan needs to have a description of when each strategy will be completed and this falls on your marketing plan timing.

Planning the timing of implementation of every strategy is important, because not all the time, a business has unlimited available human resources. A proper scheduling will ensure that the company staff will be able complete the tasks designated for their implementation during the quarter. By viewing your plan in a calendar form, it will allow you to clearly see whether you have overloaded plans for the quarter and may need to transfer them to the following quarter if need be.

Certain strategies may also need support from other department. This creates a complexity in making the timing of every strategy. You need to make sure that all departments involved will be able to complete the tasks on schedule without overrunning their core duties. If you fail to time the implementation of your strategy, it may not be implemented when you intended it to be.

Evaluation and Monitoring Strategies

Evaluation and Monitoring Strategies

Every marketing plan need to have evaluation and monitoring strategies. Effective monitoring will ensure that your investment does not go to waste. If you don’t know whether or not your business strategy is working, you may just be wasting time and valuable company resources on futile efforts. From the planning stage to execution of your marketing plan, creating and using monitoring tools is essential. This will help you discover and remove useless strategies that are not worth your time and money. With regular business evaluation, you will be able to come up with a streamlined and effective marketing system.


For you to develop and adapt to the current marketing condition, you have to teach yourself how to create powerful marketing plan for growing your business. Explore new channels of marketing your business that will enable you to have a wider market reach. The better you market your business, the more new customers you get. The way you bring in new people for your business will be the total marketing strategy you can ever have for your business. There is a big chance that your target audience is already in place to whom you are planning to market your products to. But an effective marketing plan will allow you to create and establish strategies that will make you see the big picture on where your business is headed to.

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